Thursday, July 9, 2015

New Media Art

I was having a conversation with one of our clients, who makes canvas prints from their 3D graphics. The topic was about what is considered art. The client is trained in "traditional art" (eg. painting, drawing, sculpting) as well as "digital art", but they found that a lot of people do not consider something that is computer generated as art. 

If we look at the history of art, the definition and the various movement has changed and developed over time. The appreciation of art is subjective, and what is considered art is different for each person.

In this blog post, I wanted to look at artwork created using digital technology. New media art is artwork that uses digital technology to create it or needs a technical component to function. This includes: digital illustrations, sound design, interactive installations and video. 

If we think about it, the technology (program) is the medium, and the art is what is created from it. 

One type of digital art that has changed a lot in the past 15 years, is 3D modelling. If we look at any sci-fi movie that was made in the past year, computer generated images were used to create entire worlds, people and things.

Wire frame for modelling a head

If we had to compare it to a traditional art form, it would be sculpting. Sculptures can be made from clay, glass, wood, metal and stone. The artist uses their hands and other tools to create beautiful life-like pieces of art. 

"The Thinker" made from bronze

With advancements made in digital technology every day, it makes it more convenient for us to create anything we want. So why is it that many people would consider a sculpture like "The Thinker" a piece of art but a digitally made face (like the one below) not?

3D Face

In my research, the one thing that a lot of people use to argue what is "real art" is that one is easier to make than the other. Computer programs allows digital artists create their work more easily and quickly. It definitely is more convenient to have the all the tools and resources we need at our finger tips, however, just because I can draw a stick man doesn't mean I can call myself an artist. The work done using digital media also requires skill, creativity and a lot of hard working hours.

I think the most recognized form of digital art is photo manipulation. Most people are probably familiar with the term "Photoshopping", but you can use any photo editing software to change and make photos unique and different.

Photo manipulation artists digitally alter or create artwork that is visually compelling and thought provoking.  These artists can come from different backgrounds that ranges from photographers to graphic designers. Aforementioned, they could even have a background in traditional art.

The examples below were created by photographers.

"The Architect" by Erik Johansson

By Erik Almás

When I think back to when I was younger, my first computer was a Windows 95 system. We did not have internet. I remember I would spend hours making "artwork" on Microsoft (MS) Paint. I used to create landscape images using the spray paint tool.

Now, I have come a long ways from using MS Paint. We have more powerful tools like Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw available. These programs not only allow us to alter images but we can use them to make artwork. 

The programs have brush tools and other "art supplies" that allow digital artist to digitally paint or draw their pieces. 

Even with its limitations, MS Paint can still be used to create artwork.

This is a video of an artist drawing Spiderman using MS Paint. You can see how they use different layers and textures to create the piece. Instead of a brush, the mouse is the paintbrush.

The digital paintings below have been done using programs like Photoshop. The texture and brush strokes can be created using the brushes available on such platforms. The programs allow artists to easily create light, transparency and texture. However, many digital artists can create their own brushes and patterns for individual needs. Even though they are not using a paintbrush, a steady and careful hand is still needed to create the art.

Digital Painting by Marta Dahling
Digital Painting by Alice X. Zhang

The flexibility and changeability that digital programs allows, come in handy if you want to change something. In the beginning of the year, I wrote a blog post about mixed media art.   By mixing different materials, the artist is able to create something unique. Mixing traditional art and digital art is also something that artists can explore.

It may seem unusual for an artist to draw or paint something and then finish or add to it using digital programs, but it there are artists that do this. Now that artists can digitize their artwork, it allows them to play around with the artwork without damaging the original.

Below is a pencil drawing done by Emma Leonard. She drew the figure by hand and then coloured it in Photoshop.

"Keepsake" by Emma Leonard

The piece below uses various media to create it. The base is charcoal and pencil. He also used gouache paint to create some texture. The rest was coloured in Photoshop. If you want to learn how he did this you read it here

Mixed Media piece by Jean-Sebastien Rossbach

Digital technology is a powerful tool that allows us to do many things. Just because it simplifies or makes things more convenient for us it doesn't mean it creating artwork on a computer is easier or less work. They are just as beautiful and unique!

If you want to print any of your digital or traditional art visit our website at to start printing!  

Don't forget to check out more articles on our website. We mentioned gouache paint above, if you want to learn more about this type of paint and others, check out our article about the types of paint.

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